Perceived Influence of ICT and Work Environmental Productivity of Library Personnel in Colleges of Education in Niger State, Nigeria
ICT, Colleges of Education, Library Personnel, Productivity, Work EnvironmentAbstract
This study investigated the perceived influence of Information Communication Technology and the work environment on the productivity of library personnel in college education libraries in Niger State, Nigeria. The study was guided by four research objectives. A descriptive survey research design was used for this study. The population of the study comprised one hundred and two (102)library personnel in the twocolleges of education libraries in Niger State, Nigeria. A close-ended structured questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument.Mean, and standard deviation were statistical tools used for data analysis. Findings showed that the level of productivity is low, the perceived influence of ICTis moderate, and the perceived influence of the work environment of library personnel in colleges of education libraries in Niger State,Nigeria ismoderate.The study concluded that the low level of productivity of library personnel could be attributed to a poor working environment and a lack of application of ICT in library operations. The study recommended that the Management of colleges of education in Niger State, Nigeria, should make their libraries more conducive and comfortable for both staff and users, provide more opportunities for ICT training of staff, provide alternative electricity power supply, adequate provision of ICT facilities in their libraries for effective application of ICTs in library operations, provide good lighting system, adequate spaces and furniture and good ventilation system in their libraries for better productivity. Keywords: Colleges of Education, ICT, Library Personnel, Productivity, Work EnvironmentDownloads
How to Cite
DOGARA , L., ABUBAKAR, F., ANGO , A. A., AKAWU , L., YUSUF , L. F., & ADAMU, M. S. (2023). Perceived Influence of ICT and Work Environmental Productivity of Library Personnel in Colleges of Education in Niger State, Nigeria. NASARAWA JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (NAJLIS), 6(1), 19–34. Retrieved from