About the Journal

The Nasarawa Journal of Library and Information Science (NAJLIS) is a peer-reviewed journal published annually by the University Library, Nasarawa State University, Keffi. The journal welcomes scholarly papers that treat contemporary issues and developments in the fields of Library Science, Records and Archives Management, Information Science, Information Management, Information Technology, Management Information System, Informatics, and other related areas.

Information for Authors

Authors submitting unpublished manuscripts are requested to abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Manuscripts should be scholarly, original, contribution to knowledge, and written in the English Language.
  2. Manuscripts should not be under consideration for publication in any journal elsewhere. Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the copyright of such a manuscript belongs to the NAJLIS.
  3. Manuscripts should be typed on a single face of the paper using 12 font size, Times New Roman, and double –line spacing for the main work.
  4. The articles must contain an abstract of not more than 250 words, single-line spacing, followed by 5 keywords.
  5. The manuscripts should adhere to this format: Abstract, Introduction, Problem Statement, Objective, Statement of Hypotheses (optional), Methodology, Results, and discussion of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations, and References.
  6. The cover page should contain information on the title, the author’s name (surname should be identified by using a comma after the surname or written in capital letters), department, institution, e-mail address and phone number
  7. All references must adhere strictly to the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style (6th edition).
  8. Authors should submit electronic copies of their articles for initial assessment as an e-mail attachment to najlisnsuk@gmail.com All manuscripts submitted for publication will be subjected to plagiarism test
  9. Each manuscript should be submitted with an initial non-refundable review fee, evidence of payment should be submitted with the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, authors will be required to pay a publication fee
  10. All correspondence and contributions should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, NAJLIS through najlisnsuk@gmail.com

Journal Subscription Rates

Subscription to Nasarawa Journal of Library and Information Science is N4, 000 for institutions and N3, 000 for individuals. Issues from 2017 to date are available for sale. The subscription fee excludes the cost of postage.


All payments for the manuscript processing and journal subscription should be made through the following bank account:

Account Name: Nasarawa Journal of Library and Information Science (NAJLIS)

Account Number: 2034521205    FirstBank